Episode 63: Janelle Jones - Queen of the Side Hustle


Name: Janelle JonesJanelle is the owner of a tutoring company in Atlanta Georgia but that is just the tip of the iceberg. She has more going on than most people. She’s the “Side Hustle Queen” of the “Hustling Hotties”. She helps women and men build up side hustles. Businesses they can build that allow them to make the extra money that can make the difference in the modern world.

Habit of Thought:


“I keep a positive mental attitude.”

Bonus action from Janelle: Be very selective with the people you surround yourself with. Have them be people who lift you up and don’t pull you down.

Habit of Action:

Keep lists.

Greatest area of strength: I’m able to help with so many areas of life. I’m a resource. “People call me google”.

Training for this area:

I would suggest coursera.com


The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere - Timothy Ferriss Web Resource:


